$3,100,000 Pressure sore death
$2,333,000 Fall involving traumatic brain injury
$1,500,000 Bedsore settlement
$1,499,000 Dementia patient injury
$1,250,000 Repeated fall injuries

Introduction to Diversicare Healthcare Services

Diversicare Healthcare Services is a post-acute care provider with 44 centers in five states. The company is publicly traded and has a long history of serving residents’ medical needs and memory care services.

Diversicare Healthcare Services primarily serves the Southeast and Midwest and operates in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri, and Kansas. DAC Acquisiton LLC owns the company, which Steve Nee, CEO, currently leads. Under his leadership, Diversicare Healthcare Services LLC claims to be a premier provider with dynamic service delivery.

Ratings and Performance

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulates long-term and post-acute care facilities at the federal level. This regulation includes an annual inspection of all long-term care centers, including Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. CMS rates healthcare services between one and five stars. A one-star rating means the long-term care facility fails to meet healthcare expectations. 

They may fail to provide specialized memory care despite offering it as a service. They have had citations for understaffing or failed to provide residents access to basic care needs and rights. A five-star rating means the facility does a great job of offering quality healthcare and frequently exceeding expectations.

Even though Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. claims to be a premier provider of exceptional healthcare, many of its locations have low ratings. Diversicare of Marin, Tennessee, received a four-star rating. 

However, they received below-average ratings for staffing, a key component of exceptional healthcare. Diversicare of Oak Ridge in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, received a one-star rating. Diversicare Healthcare of Foley received a two-star rating, failing to meet the company’s core values or offer healthcare services comprehensive to each resident’s needs.

Diversicare Healthcare Services owns and operates long-term care facilities rated one to five stars. Lower ratings are typically due to violations based on health inspections, staff-to-patient ratios, and overall quality of care.

If you or a loved one was the victim of abuse or neglect by Diversicare Healthcare Services staff, you may have legal rights to recover compensation. Contact the Nursing Home Law Center today.

Diversicare Healthcare Services has been named in a few lawsuits, including the following:

The U.S. Attorney’s Office, Middle District of Alabama

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Alabama settled a case with Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. LLC for fraud under the False Claims Act (FCA). Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. employees intentionally made falsified claims for performing services to obtain compensation. Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. agreed to pay over $1.4M in the settlement.

Canterbury Health, a former subsidiary of Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc., has also been named in various lawsuits, including Medicare and Medicaid fraud and wrongful death. Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. no longer owns Canterbury Health.

Inspection and Deficiency Reports at Diversicare Healthcare Services

Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. has received numerous deficiency reports for failing to offer exceptional healthcare to its residents. Here are a few of the most recent deficiencies noted through CMS inspections:

  • Diversicare of Martin, Martin, Tennessee [9/1/2024] – Issue Summary:
    • Violation: 5 recent citations against the Diversicare of Martin.
    • Example: The center failed to offer exceptional healthcare to residents, including ensuring feeding tubes weren’t used unless necessary or approved by the patient. They received deficiencies in ensuring residents were free from medication errors or had access to satisfactory food sources. The center was cited for failing to complete a comprehensive resident assessment within seven days of new residents.
  • Diversicare of Oak Ridge, Oak Ridge, Tennessee [9/1/2024] – Issue Summary:
    • Violation: Over 30 recent violations against Diversicare Healthcare Services of Oak Ridge.
    • Example: Recent citations included failure to assist residents in accessing vision and hearing services, lack of appropriate foot care, lack of proper dialysis care, and not ensuring a licensed pharmacist performed monthly drug regimen reviews.
  • Diversicare of Foley, Foley, Alabama [9/1/2024] – Issue Summary:
    • Violation: Over 20 recent violations against Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. of Foley.
    • Example: Violations include failing to keep residents’ personal medical records confidential, not providing residents with safe and appropriate respiratory care, and procuring food that was approved and satisfactory. The facility also failed to try other safety approaches before using a bed rail.
  • Diversicare of Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama [9/1/2024] – Issue Summary:
    • Violation: Approximately 14 violations against Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc.
    • Example: Diversicare Healthcare Services of Montgomery failed to allow residents to access the home’s CMS survey results or communicate with advocate agencies. They were also cited for not providing care and assistance to those who needed it, not offering access to nutritious meals, or not keeping all essential equipment working safely.

A lot goes into a healthcare facility’s capability to administer high-quality healthcare services. When a long-term care center fails to hire or train a comprehensive team of healthcare professionals or put safety protocols in place to protect residents, it will receive lower ratings and may also receive citations from CMS.

Free Case Evaluation

Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. claims to offer exceptional healthcare to long-term and memory care residents. However, numerous facilities owned by Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc. fail to meet customer’s expectations and pose a safety risk to residents. 

Failing to provide residents with easy access to healthcare services or not taking precautions when hiring team members can put residents at risk of falls, injury, or worsening medical conditions. In extreme cases, nursing home negligence can lead to a loss of life.

The Nursing Home Law Center is committed to helping victims and their families hold Diversicare Healthcare Services accountable for wrongdoing. You may be entitled to compensation if you received long-term care or short-term rehabilitation from Diversicare Healthcare Services or another facility. We offer a free consultation to explore your legal options risk-free.

What To Do Following Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

If Diversicare Healthcare Services was abusive or negligent in caring for your loved one, taking immediate action is essential. Here are a few things to do following nursing home abuse or neglect:

  1. Ensure Safety and Attend Medical Needs: Remove your loved one from a dangerous, abusive, or negligent situation and ensure they receive medical care from a trusted premier provider.
  2. Report the Nursing Home Abuse or Negligence: Report your suspicions of nursing home abuse or negligence to the local authorities. You can also report it to the Eldercare location in your state or the National Center on Elder Abuse.
  3. Gather Time-Sensitive Evidence: A nursing home lawsuit requires clear evidence. If possible, begin gathering evidence of the abuse or neglect as soon as possible. Our comprehensive team of lawyers will help investigate and collect evidence, but some essential items may be time-sensitive.
  4. Discuss Your Case With a Lawyer: The Nursing Home Law Center is committed to holding abusive or negligent healthcare services accountable, whether that’s Diversicare healthcare services or another long-term care provider.

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Time Limits

Understandably, your time and focus is on your loved one after learning of abuse or neglect. However, it’s essential to remember that most states limit the amount of time a nursing home abuse or neglect victim can file a lawsuit. While this time limit varies from state to state, it’s usually between one and six years for nursing home abuse or neglect.

The Nursing Home Law Center works on a contingency fee, which means you never pay anything unless we recover compensation on your behalf.

Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Today

Were you or your loved one the victim of negligent healthcare services from Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc.? While Diversicare Healthcare claims to offer high-quality healthcare, a history of inspection citations and low CMS ratings don’t always support that claim.

The Nursing Home Law Center is dedicated to helping long-term care residents access exceptional healthcare and holding those who don’t meet these expectations.

Whether you received long—or short-term rehabilitation from Diversicare Healthcare Services, our nursing home abuse lawyers have the expertise needed to represent you during this difficult time. Contact our team today at (800) 926-7565 or complete our online form.

Client Reviews

Jonathan did a great job helping my family navigate through a lengthy lawsuit involving my grandmother's death in a nursing home. Through every step of the case, Jonathan kept my family informed of the progression of the case. Although our case eventually settled at a mediation, I really was...

- Lisa

After I read Jonathan’s Nursing Home Blog, I decided to hire him to look into my wife’s treatment at a local nursing home. Jonathan did a great job explaining the process and the laws that apply to nursing homes. I immediately felt at ease and was glad to have him on my side. Though the lawsuit...

- Eric