$3,100,000Pressure sore death
$2,333,000Fall involving traumatic brain injury
$1,500,000Bedsore settlement
$1,499,000Dementia patient injury
$1,250,000Repeated fall injuries

Springdale Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

If nursing facilities chose to invest appropriately in their skilled staff positions and implement more programs tailored to patients’ needs and comfort, there would be far fewer abuse and neglect cases. Yet, many facilities value their profits more than the lives of the people they are in charge to serve.

Nursing home abuse has been a prevalent issue in Springdale and our nation. There are far too many cases where this negligence has resulted in serious injuries and death.

The Springdale nursing home abuse attorneys of Nursing Home Law Center LLC are honored to help carry the mantle on behalf of many neglected victims who have endured untold pain and suffering.

Was your loved one injured, or did they develop a bed sore at a Springdale, AR nursing home? Contact us at (800) 926-7565 (toll-free phone call) to schedule a free consultation with a law firm that can assist in your nursing home abuse lawsuit.

Our affiliate Arkansas personal injury lawyers handle cases like this on a contingency fee basis and only receive a fee when there is a recovery for you.

Springsdale Bed Sore & Nursing Home Neglect

What Is Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing home abuse is when a caregiver harms a person with the intention of causing pain or suffering. Many types of abuse can occur to your loved one.

Abuse in a nursing home is generally considered intentional and can be physical, emotional, and sexual. The following are common examples of nursing home abuse.

Emotional Abuse

This type of abuse can include verbal or nonverbal acts used to cause pain and distress in a person. Emotional abuse appears to be the most common type of abuse that people experience in a nursing home.

Some examples of emotional abuse can include:

  • Yelling
  • Threatening
  • Embarrassing
  • Harassing
  • Isolating

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse of a nursing home resident is most likely to be detected by other nursing home staff or family members.

Many nursing home patients have a decline in their cognitive abilities, health problems, and disabilities. Therefore, physical abuse can result in injuries and complications that are devastating to the victim and their families.

This type of abuse can include:

  • Hitting
  • Kicking
  • Pushing
  • Slapping
  • Throwing an object at someone
  • Forms of sexual abuse
  • Improper use of physical or chemical restraints

Elder Abuse

The elderly in nursing homes are at a high risk of sustaining bruises, scratches, and broken bones from physical and sexual abuse. Their bones, immune system, and cognitive functioning are weaker.

Unfortunately, most cases of abuse in nursing facilities go unreported due to these factors. According to the National Center om Elder Abuse, psychological abuse is the most common type of abuse they sustain.

Besides physical and emotional abuse, the elderly may be sexually abused or financially exploited. There are cases where nursing homes change information on important documents and bank accounts.

What Is Nursing Home Neglect?

Neglect in a nursing home refers to a caregiver’s failure to fulfill their duty to provide an expected standard of care and services. The negligence of nursing home employees can be either intentional or unintentional.

Some of the types of possible negligence that one may experience include:

  • Not giving regular baths
  • Not changing a resident after wetting themselves
  • Not offering activities or exercises
  • Not performing proper medical care for wounds
  • Not assisting when one needs help using the restroom
  • Not providing water or food
  • Ignoring a request or complaint
  • Not providing dental care

Most people in nursing homes are dependent on the facility and its staff to meet their needs. The consequences of nursing home abuse and neglect on residents can be devastating because they likely already have impaired cognitive or physical functioning.

Consequences Caused By Nursing Home Neglect

Negligence can result in residents receiving poor care and sustaining emotional and physical harm. When a loved one cannot have their needs met, they will have a lot of pain and discomfort.

If neglected for prolonged periods, issues such as bedsores, infections, complications, psychological harm, and early death can occur.


Bedsores in a nursing home will likely result from employees neglecting a patient’s needs. When residents are not moved from the bed or a wheelchair for a long time, their skin may develop pressure sores.

If the sores are left untreated, the skin may break open in these areas creating an open wound that is susceptible to infection. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove damaged tissue and close the wound.

This injury to the skin is preventable, and there are steps that medical staff at a long-term care facility should be taking. Changing a patient’s position regularly and checking their skindaily for any changes is crucial to their well-being.


If infections occur often, they may signal that nursing home negligence is taking place. There are various ways that neglect can result in residents developing infections.

Infections that can develop in nursing home residents are urinary tract infections, skin infections, gastrointestinal infections, and respiratory tract infections.

Nursing home patients are more likely to develop an infection due to weaker immune systems and disabilities. Some of the forms of neglect that can cause infections include:

  • Unsanitary living conditions
  • Failing to keep a resident’s wound clean
  • Giving residents contaminated food and water
  • Failing to properly clean a resident after changing a diaper or assisting them in the restroom

The residents are at risk of sepsis, bacteremia, organ failure, and death if the infections are left untreated.

Weight Loss And Malnutrition

Weight loss and dehydration in your loved one can also indicate that they are experiencing neglect in the nursing facility. They may not be receiving enough food and water from no assistance with eating, poor quality of food, or not being provided sufficient amounts.

Malnutrition can lead to serious issues such as a weaker immune system, wounds healing slowly, an injury, and depression.

Common Causes For Nursing Home Abuse And Neglect

There are major issues that nursing homes face which contribute to negligence and abuse. Caring for nursing home residents involves a lot of work and patience to provide the standard of care required.

It can be even more challenging to carry out duties when the facility does not provide the needed resources and support. Some of the factors that contribute to nursing home abuse and neglect are:

  • Understaffed facilities
  • The hiring of unqualified staff
  • Inadequate training of staff
  • Stressed and overworked nursing staff
  • Cost-cutting

Understaffed Nursing Home Facilities

Staff shortages remain a significant problem for nursing homes, their staff, and the residents. This issue can contribute to a high turnover rate, hiring of unqualified workers, and stressful situations.

According to AARP, about 39% of our nation’s nursing homes report a lack of nursing staff. The Arkansas Health Care Association states that almost all of the nursing home facilities in the state have open positions available.

This issue has led to an increase in residents developing bedsores, depression, weight loss, and other complications.

Additionally, the nursing staff become overworked and stressed, which can cause a loved one to sustain additional nursing home abuse and neglect.

Common Signs of Abuse in Residents

During your family member’s nursing home stay, you may want to look for some signs of abuse and suffering. You can also observe their interaction with the nursing home staff.

Some of the signs of abuse and neglect in a patient are:

What Can I Do If My Loved One Is A Victim Of Nursing Home Abuse And Neglect?

If you see any signs of nursing home abuse in your family member, you should report it to the facility. If the nursing home does not respond to your complaint or if the abuse is severe, you can report it to The Office of Long-Term Care by calling 1-800-582-4887.

They will investigate the complaint and contact you when the investigation is complete. You can also find assistance for your loved one by contacting your Arkansas Long Term Care Ombudsman.

You can visit their Arkansas Ombudsman website to find the contact information of the Long-Term Care Ombudsmen designated to your county.

If the nursing home abuse or neglect results in a severe injury to your loved one, you should also consider speaking with a personal injury lawyer who is experienced in helping clients in nursing home abuse cases. Neglect attorneys can determine how you can seek compensation and the legal process for taking the claim to court.

You may be able to recover damages for medical bills, pain and suffering, emotional anguish, and more. Contact a personal injury attorney that has a comprehensive understanding of Arkansas law and is experienced in fighting for clients who have been injured victims of abuse.

Schedule A Free Consultation With One Of Our Proficient and Experienced Springdale Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

You expect a nursing home to provide medical care and assistance to your family member, so it is devastating to know that we are putting them at risk of abuse and neglect. Reporting mistreatment at nursing home facilities can motivate management to acquire the resources they need and make changes that help ensure the safety of everyone.

Nursing home abuse is preventable, and we should hold the responsible parties accountable for all forms of negligence. Family members can also prevent abuse and neglect by reportin g it and frequently visiting and observing their loved ones.

Nursing Home Law Center LLC is a leading prosecutor of nursing home abuse and neglect cases and has led the fight for nursing care reform on behalf of thousands of victims. Our nursing home abuse lawyers have the experience to provide you with the best chance of securing damages against those responsible for your loved one’s injuries.

Contact us at (800) 926-7565 to arrange a free consultation with an award-winning Arkansas nursing home abuse lawyer so that we can investigate your claim and review your legal options. If you are looking for a personal injury law firm to assist with the investigation or prosecution of a nursing home abuse case involving bed sores, we can schedule you with a free case review today.

All confidential or sensitive information you share with our legal team remains private through an attorney-client relationship.


Client Reviews

Jonathan did a great job helping my family navigate through a lengthy lawsuit involving my grandmother's death in a nursing home. Through every step of the case, Jonathan kept my family informed of the progression of the case. Although our case eventually settled at a mediation, I really was...

- Lisa

After I read Jonathan’s Nursing Home Blog, I decided to hire him to look into my wife’s treatment at a local nursing home. Jonathan did a great job explaining the process and the laws that apply to nursing homes. I immediately felt at ease and was glad to have him on my side. Though the lawsuit...

- Eric