$3,100,000Pressure sore death
$2,333,000Fall involving traumatic brain injury
$1,500,000Bedsore settlement
$1,499,000Dementia patient injury
$1,250,000Repeated fall injuries

Nevada Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Attorneys

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Nursing home abuse and neglect impact millions of vulnerable residents every year. The sad truth is that most abusive situations go unreported every year.

The Nevada nursing home abuse lawyers at Nursing Home Law Center at (800) 926-7565 represent victims of mistreatment.

Contact us today if your loved one was harmed to schedule a free initial consultation to talk about your compensation claim.

Nursing Home Abuse Is Prevalent in Nevada

Nevada has specific types of neglect that seem to recur every year. Research statistics indicate that residents in about thirty percent of statewide nursing homes receive unnecessary drugs every year.

Medicare routinely inspects, surveys, and investigates formally filed complaints concerning violations and deficiencies at every nursing home.

According to the federal agency, currently, sixteen (twenty-six percent) of the sixty-two nursing facilities rated in Nevada are below the national average because they provide their residents with substandard care.

nevada nursing home abuse lawyer

Pressure Ulcers Are a Form of Nursing Home Neglect

Even more concerning, residents in twenty percent of statewide nursing homes develop pressure wounds every year. Skin sores are typically a result of neglectful behavior of nursing home workers in these facilities.

Nursing home staff members might forget to transition residents out of bed or fail to position residents in beds properly.

These acts have a direct connection to the development of pressure sores in patients.

nevada nursing home negligence attorney

What Is the Definition of Elder Abuse and Neglect of Your Loved One?

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), eldercare abuse occurs by intent or a failure to act, causing or creating harm or risks to older adults. Abusive predators include the staff, families, friends, or others trusted by the elder.

Elderly abuse and neglect usually involve:

  • Physical assault involving pain, injury, distress, functional impairment, or death caused by physical force like slapping, pushing, kicking, burning, hitting, or striking
  • Sexual assault involving unwanted force through sexual interaction that might include undesired sexual contact, penetration, rape, sodomy, and non-contact acts including sexual humiliation or harassment
  • Emotional/psychological abuse involving verbal and non-verbal behaviors inflicting fear, anguish, mental pain, or distress. Common examples of psychological abuse involve disrespect, humiliation, harassment, verbal and non-verbal threats, interpersonal isolation, and blaming
  • Negligence where the nursing staff or other caregivers failed to meet the elder’s needs, including water, food, clothing, shelter, essential medical care, and hygiene assistance
  • Financial exploitation could involve a caregiver, families, friend, or another resident with unauthorized (illegal) access to the victim’s money, belongings, benefits, assets, or profits

When the neglect occurs at a long-term care facility, the family of the victim may be able pursue an elder home abuse lawsuit against the facility.

Our Las Vegas nursing home abuse lawyers can help. Call us to schedule a free consultation.

nevada nursing home abuse attorney

Neglect of the Elderly at Care Facilities

According to the National Adult Protective Services Association, elderly neglect often involves the nurses, family members, or others the resident trusts and respects.

The mistreatment is often inflicted upon society’s most vulnerable adults in different ways, including:

  • Physical neglect where the staff or other caregiver fails to attend to the victim’s nutritional, dietary, hygienic, or medical needs when bathing, grooming, dispensing medications, changing bandages, feeding, or providing liquids
  • Emotional neglect where the resident is inflicted with distress, emotional pain, anguish, belittling, or disrespect
  • Financial neglect where those in charge of the victim’s financial obligations failed to pay bills, assessments, and taxes
  • Abandonment where a caregiver fails to provide proper care and needed support

The Most Common Perpetrators of Elder Abuse?

Most victims know their abusive predators through interpersonal relationships like the nurses, family members, or friends. These abusers typically inflict psychological, emotional, physical, financial, sexual, or negligent pain on their victim.

The World Health Organization (WHO) follows human rights violations involving eldercare abuse and revealed that the number of cases had grown significantly in recent years.

Their research shows that nearly ninety percent of all neglect and abuse cases are caused by family members, including spouses and adult children.

nevada nursing home negligence lawyers

The Warning Signs of Nursing Home Elder Abuse

Adult children must understand the warning signs of elderly nursing home abuse to protect someone they love in a nursing facility. Not all physical abuse signs involve cuts, bruises, burns, broken bones, or unexplained injuries.

The sufferer of Las Vegas nursing home abuse could be physically assaulted by tying them to the wheelchair or bed, isolating them in their room, or administering anti-anxiety medications not prescribed by their doctor.

Others might be forced into sexual assault without consent by making them watch pornography, experiencing inappropriate touching, raping, or taking their clothes off.

Not all victims will speak up for fear of retaliation or getting others into trouble. Others cannot speak up due to a medical condition, developmental disability, or speech/mental impairment.

A Las Vegas Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Can Help Hold the Facility Accountable

Those who have witnessed someone they love suffering from these types of injuries should get in touch with nursing home lawyers today. Nevada senior home attorneys can be proactive to ensure that the neglect comes to a stop.

Was your loved one injured, abused, neglected, mistreated, or died prematurely while residing at a nursing facility?

Contact the Nevada personal injury attorneys at the Nursing Home Law Center today to discuss the merits of your nursing home abuse case.

nv nursing home abuse lawyer

Nevada’s Nursing Home Injury Laws

There are multiple authorities in place to investigate reports of abuse and neglect.

All caregiving center workers suspecting abuse must report what occurred to the NV Department of Health and Human Services, Elder Protective Services, Division for Aging and Disability Services, or the Long-Term Care Ombudsman.

The governing source of law for nursing home abuse claims is the Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, or Isolation of Older Persons Act. Under this Act, a broad range of behaviors might be abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

For example, a resident might be subject to exploitation if an elder home administrator is billing that resident for unnecessary services.

One might be the victim of neglect if a worker fails to provide the required check-ups throughout the day or leaves a resident unattended.

Abuse might also take the form of verbal or emotional abuse, and a worker can still be liable for this type of abuse.
Families should take note of any noticeable unsettling signs of abuse in your loved ones.

You might notice signs of emotional abuse if someone you love is continuously upset, develops depression, or has severe anxiety issues.

Some residents are victims of physical abuse, malnutrition, sexual abuse, or unexplained weight loss.

nursing home abuse attorneys nevada

Report Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect Now

Upon making a report of any suspicions of mistreatment, one of the governmental agencies will initiate an investigation into the report.

The investigation will entail gathering photographs of the injuries and interviews with medical staff and nursing home abuse victims.

Photos could serve as evidence in the case if the lawsuit goes to trial. The photos of a loved one’s injuries might be influential in showing the jury just how much they suffered.

You can also call a nursing home lawyer to assist in the investigation of your loved one’s situation. They have years of experience in speaking with the administrators and workers of a nursing home.

An attorney could investigate the conditions of the Clark County nursing facility to determine whether the nursing home is being maintained according to the law.

During an investigation, a lawyer will also take photographs of any conditions that could be clear signs of a pattern of neglect, such as water on the floor, unsanitary food, or unchanged bed sheets.

Take on Nursing Home Administrators with Our Experienced Lawyers

Elder care home administrators might try to intimidate you during the investigation process.

Do not allow anyone to diminish your belief that you need help proving your case. Instead, empower yourself and stand up for the rights of someone you love with the help of a nursing home abuse and neglect attorney in Las Vegas, NV.

Our lawyers are ready to help your family wherever you are located throughout the state in areas such as:

Our law firm works across the state of Nevada to help you get justice when your family member has been a victim of nursing home neglect.

When loved ones have been harmed, contact a Las Vegas attorney at the Nursing Home Law Center for a free consultation.

nevada nursing home abuse neglect lawyer

Call our Las Vegas nursing home abuse lawyers today at (800) 926-7565 for your free consultation.

We represent our clients on a contingency fee basis, so you owe us nothing if you do not recover financial compensation in your neglect case.

nursing home negligence attorney nevada

Carson City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Henderson Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Las Vegas Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

North Las Vegas Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit FAQs

Why Should I Sue a Long Term Care Facility?

Nursing home residents have the legal rights to receive reasonable care and be free from exploitation and mistreatment in their elder home or assisted living facility.

However, many individuals end up with these rights violated. The nursing home cannot and should not be allowed to get away with this. You and your loved one could receive financial compensation for the injury that was inflicted.

What Is the Legal Standard for a Las Vegas Nursing Home Abuse Case?

Like any personal injury lawsuit, claims against nursing homes and assisted living facilities are decided using a negligence standard. You will need to show that:

  • The nursing home owed a duty of care to your loved one.
  • The care facility violated the duty of care by acting unreasonably.
  • The nursing home resident was injured.
  • The elder home was the proximate cause of your injury that your loved one has suffered.
How Much Is My Las Vegas Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect Case Worth?

The value of your claim depends on the particular harm that your loved one suffered in a Nevada or Las Vegas nursing home.

You may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Medical bills
  • Wrongful death damages

Punitive damages if the nursing home neglect was egregious.

Client Reviews

Jonathan did a great job helping my family navigate through a lengthy lawsuit involving my grandmother's death in a nursing home. Through every step of the case, Jonathan kept my family informed of the progression of the case. Although our case eventually settled at a mediation, I really was...

- Lisa

After I read Jonathan’s Nursing Home Blog, I decided to hire him to look into my wife’s treatment at a local nursing home. Jonathan did a great job explaining the process and the laws that apply to nursing homes. I immediately felt at ease and was glad to have him on my side. Though the lawsuit...

- Eric